Beware Of Anti Biogas Brigade
There is a group of people who protest whenever any site is selected to convert waste into fuel and fertilizer. This is just so insane it is common sense that the garbage is to be consumed by the plant and thus the smell will not continue. Each trucks come bring in garbage – these garbage get cut into small tiny pieces by a machine and then they are fed into the digester! There will not remain any garbage outside the digester to smell. Then why is this protest.
The usual method of protest is to use some method so that first the garbage piles up on the site then once this garbage starts smelling they start complaining that this is not suitable for people living in the nearby areas.
The usual method of protest is to use some method so that first the garbage piles up on the site then once this garbage starts smelling they start complaining that this is not suitable for people living in the nearby areas.
We can pay to use petrol/coal or diesel but they do not allow usage of Biogas as these Anti-Biogas brigade say it is not sustainable. While the layman has totally ignored this sector the oil-mafia has already started to pay for creating huge protests against any kind of Sewage or Garbage Treatment to ensure that no biogas gets produced. These so called brigade have no complaints whatsoever of all the garbage that routinely gets piled outside their houses, or with the garbage that fills the gutters and nalas. Or with the dumping grounds in Deonar, Mumbai. But they start to get a problem the moment that these garbage gets collected to produce gas. These brigades are completely ok with the traditional method of throwing the garbage into landfill and for them to decay or burn them. But to convert them under controlled environment and converting it into Fuel-gas and fertilizer is a big NO for these brigades.
The fact is whether they like it or not Methane gets produced. Anything that decays produces methane. The only difference is in a biogas digester there is lack of oxygen and thus the methane doesn’t get oxidized. Once methane mixes with oxygen you get that rotten egg smell.
Do these protestors even know that the shit you put in the toilet will be flushed into the sea and the garbage you throw out to the bin will be either burned or piled to fill land. These methods are followed by all the governments in the world. But some of the developed countries have recognized the ecological and biological damage that these methods of getting rid of Garbage and Sewage. But by treating them the outcome is that not only the waste gets converted to top quality organic fertilizer but Methane gas also gets converted. Thus there are less debris and viruses in the seawater of those countries.
One classis example of the protest is here:
One classis example of the protest is here:

No reasons are given why they protest other than the smell/stench. But the stench only happens after the garbage has been blocked from being treated. If it is treated then there would be no smell in the first place. Very Strange indeed. The very reason that biogas plant is proposed to avoid the smell and stench!!!
No reasons are given why they protest other than the smell/stench. But the stench only happens after the garbage has been blocked from being treated. If it is treated then there would be no smell in the first place. Very Strange indeed.
The very reason that a biogas plant is proposed is to avoid the piling of the garbage and to avoid the smell and stench!!! People all over the world set up biogs plants near their houses and use the gas for cooking. It doesn't SMELL!!! Then why this protests?
The question is who is blocking the treatment of these sewage and garbage? All over the world the Sewage and Garbage treatment takes place in a safe way then why is the development blocked?
Have these people protested when garbage was lying unattended outside their houses?
Have these people protested when Gutters and Sewers were lying open around their houses? NO then why are they protesting people carrying the garbage to the treatment plant.
Have these people protested when garbage was lying unattended outside their houses?
Have these people protested when Gutters and Sewers were lying open around their houses? NO then why are they protesting people carrying the garbage to the treatment plant.
Obviously somebody is paying them!
Who is paying whom and how much?
I guess the payment must be in Millions of Rupees cause these protests are quite big compared to the size of the problem.
Cause if biogas succeeds then the oil companies will have to shut shop and run. Nobody will buy petrol, diesel or LPG.
I guess the payment must be in Millions of Rupees cause these protests are quite big compared to the size of the problem.
Cause if biogas succeeds then the oil companies will have to shut shop and run. Nobody will buy petrol, diesel or LPG.
May be following the below methods are good to avoid such a protest?
Keep a print out of list of all the successful projects that have been completed and running like below:
- Bring in only those segregated garbage which are ready to be consumed by the digester.
- If possible cut them up at the garbage collection sites before loading them into the truck – this will enable more decomposable garbage to be loaded and also makes it easier to unload.
- Use only covered trucks (compactor trucks) so that there is no smell.
- Wash each truck with water at least once a day after the day’s loading work.
- Beautify the surroundings.
- Provide the nearby houses with Biogas cylinders up to 50% discounted rates.
- Provide quick connection or cylinder provision for any requests.
- Keep a computerized Cylinder requests that will be able to predetermine when any customer will need a Cylinder. Deliver the cylinder to him even before he makes the requests.
- Provide him with 3 or 4 cylinders so that there is always availability and no cause for stress in this regard.
- The cylinder delivery system should follow the delivery system of 18L bottle Drinking Water delivery system.
- Each cylinders should not weigh more than 10Kg. so that it will be easy to carry even by Men and Women.
Keep a print out of list of all the successful projects that have been completed and running like below: