I'm sold! What can i do next?!
This is great news! Welcome to the liberating and life changing experience of using an
electric vehicle!
electric vehicle!
- Get an EV!
Check out the vehicles section in our site and do some research on the best vehicle that would suit your requirements.
You can get into the EV world now and make a statement.
- Study and learn bout EVs
Check out our EV KB section and learn bout EV's and see why owning an EV is a life changing experience!
- Contact the Automakers
If your favorite automaker isn't producing a plug-in vehicle —or the type of plug-in you would like— visit our Contact Automakers page and let them know you want to plug in. - Discuss bout EVs in our Forums.
- Campaign on social media network
You can also follow Plug In India on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.
- Discuss and Encourage your friends to go electric
What it takes for people to get interested in these vehicles, is a test drive. Once they get on the car - step on it then they see that there is good acceleration due to the instant torque but they don't feel the vibration and they don't hear the noise. Its just a smooth acceleration. Then they realize that - "Oh My God! This is a good car!"
Then u can start telling them bout the social implications like - there is no war for electricity, there is no pollution, u r not sending money out of your country then they realize that this is a life changing vehicle.
With all the troubles we have in the world - How the banks and large corporations (OIL) are hoarding money.
All of us give them the money. Electric car owners stop giving them the money. The electric car owners pays a little bit to the utilities and they spend the money on things they want to buy and thus vitalizing our local economy.
Instead of sending 150 Billion $ on imported oil each year we keep the money here and keep our wealth in India. - Help promote PlugInIndia.com and plug-in vehicles!